Quality Control is at the Heart of our Clinical Governance

Education and Training

Our 3-stage peer support for Healthcare Professionals

Completing a patient programme

Completing a patient programme

Level 1: Trial

An account is created by a Healthcare Professional, preferably using a personal email address and not a professional one. Following an account creation, the Healthcare Professional is directed to completing the full online programme. This is completed to ensure they are fully aware of the structural components and all the patient facing features in the programme.

This step is performed alongside and linked to a colleague or a peer who has advanced accreditation using the MyPain app.

The average time for completing the modules is 4-6 hours, which can be completed in their own time.

Further details

Select and follow up a bespoke programme for your patients

Select and follow up a bespoke programme for your patients

Level 2: Professional

On completion of Level 1, a Healthcare Professional account with a profile is created.

Level 2, Healthcare Professionals are ready to use the MyPain app with their patients.

Patients can search for Healthcare Professionals and send them a request to access the full programme, or a Healthcare Professional can select a bespoke programme and send an invite that allows patients to connect with them and start the Programme straightaway.

Professional users are encouraged to start using the MyPain app with an advanced user as part of their multidisciplinary team.

(Learning objectives / competencies)

Experts in helping people with pain and fellow Healthcare Professionals

Experts in helping people with pain and fellow Healthcare Professionals

Level 3: Advanced

Level 3 users have helped at least 20 people use the MyPain app successfully to manage their pain.

They will have advanced accreditation and can provide advice to other professionals on using the MyPain app.

They have demonstrated the skills and professional experience needed for using a new technology appropriately, and can introduce it into new workplaces and practices as well as conduct independent training workshops that accredit other users in becoming professionals for using the MyPain app.

Their expertise can be called upon to help with complex cases or situations by Level 1 & 2 professionals.


Audit, Research and Development

Our technology is designed around scientific enquiries and is data driven.

Clinical Effectiveness

The MyPain app captures the lived experience of pain in the form of user stories made up of rich qualitative data, alongside validated questionnaires that are traditionally used in pain research, e.g. BPI, PSEQ, PCS.

Healthcare professionals and patients are able to see a real-time visual dashboard showing how their pain symptoms are changing over time.

Risk Management and Openness

We assess and manage risk proactively as per our risk management policy.

This includes data protection, looking after our colleagues and partners, how we respond to complaints, and our statutory responsibilities.

Contact us.

For any questions regarding our quality control processes, please contact us through this form, or email us on :


call us on : +44 7747429753

Or get in touch via social media :